The long essay entitled ‘Japanese haiku from the viewpoint of English haiku — Beyond the argument of second-class art’ was published in this issue.
1 haikuとアートをめぐる冒険
2 第二芸術論が陳腐化した三つの可能性
3 伝統と前衛をめぐるねじれ
4 haikuにとっての精神と形式
5 ジャック・ケルアックの西洋流俳句
6 エズラ・パウンドが模索した切れ字
‘Japanese haiku from the viewpoint of English haiku — Beyond the argument of second-class art’
1 adventures across haiku and art
2 three possibilities that have made the second-class art theory obsolete
3 twist over tradition and avant-garde
4 spirit and form for haiku
5 Jack Kerouac’s Western Haiku
6 Ezra Pound’s exploration for kireji