Yuzo Ono is a haiku poet and writer born in Oita, Japan. He was educated at the University of Tokyo (BA). He stayed in the UK from 2018 to 2020 and studied at the Royal College of Art (MRes, fine arts pathway). Currently he is based in Kawasaki, Japan.
He won the Modern Haiku Association Award for Criticism in 2002 and the Modern Haiku Association New Talent Award (honorable mention) in 2005. He is the author of several haiku poem books: “Mexican Restaurant” (Kadokawa Publishing, 2006) and “Further Selection of New Haiku 21” (co-author, Yushorin Press, 2010). In the anthology “Haiku Poets Born in the Post-war Era” (Mainichi Newspaper Publishing, 2012), he was selected as one of 109 leading contemporary haiku poets of Japan. Also, he is a councillor of the Haiku International Association and a member of the British Haiku Society. He serves as the judge for the monthly English haiku programme on the website of English-Speaking Union of Japan.
Having studied at the British art school, he has a keen interest in the relationship between haiku poetry and fine art, and between Western and Eastern cultures.
小野裕三(おのゆうぞう) 大分県生まれ、神奈川県在住。東京大学卒。2002年、現代俳句協会評論賞。2005年、現代俳句協会新人賞佳作。2018年から2020年までロンドンに滞在し、英国王立芸術大学(Royal College of Art)芸術人文学科修士課程(MRes)修了。句集に『メキシコ料理店』(角川書店)、『超新撰21』(共著・邑書林)。『戦後生まれの俳人たち』(毎日新聞社)では109人の俳人の一人として紹介される。現在、国際俳句協会評議員および英国俳句協会会員。日本英語交流連盟webサイトの英語haiku投句欄(ESUJ-H)選者。英国滞在経験を経て、詩や俳句とアートとの関係、さらには西洋文化と東洋文化の関係に強い関心を持つ。