‘A dialogue between art and haiku : Rafaël Rozendaal + Yuzo Ono’ (the Haiku International Association website)「アートと俳句との対話 : ラファエル・ローゼンダール + 小野裕三」(国際俳句協会ウェブサイト)
‘A dialogue between art and haiku : Marisa Culatto + Yuzo Ono’ (the Haiku International Association website)「アートと俳句との対話 : マリサ・クラット + 小野裕三」(国際俳句協会ウェブサイト)
‘Haiku seen by contemporary visual artists’ (the Haiku International Association website)「現代アート作家たちが見たhaiku」(国際俳句協会ウェブサイト)
A round-table talk in Haiku Shiki 『俳句四季』「最近の名句集を探る」座談会に参加
An essay about the haiku-themed art exhibition in London (Haiku Weekly) 「haikuをテーマとしたロンドンでの現代アート展に参加して」(週刊俳句)
Featured with two haikus in Kadokawa Haiku Yearbook 2024 『角川俳句年鑑2024』にて2句とともに紹介される
like an afterword
a new diary
no white shoes
were pictured
in the commemorative photo
Started to serve as the judge for the monthly English haiku programme on the website of English-Speaking Union of Japan 日本英語交流連盟webサイトにて毎月開催される英語haiku投句欄(ESUJ-H)の選者を務め始める
Participated in an exhibition of haiku-themed artworks at an art gallery in London ロンドンのアートギャラリーにて開催のhaikuをテーマとしたアート作品群の展覧会に参加
Five haiku were featured in Modern Haiku : July 2023 『現代俳句2023年7月号』の巻頭特集に5句掲載
get used to living in
the summer house
like a demon king
Published an essay on David Cobb’s haiku and other Japanese haiku in Kadokawa Haiku : July 2023 『角川俳句2023年7月号』に、デビッド・コッブのhaikuやその他の日本の俳句を紹介するエッセイを掲載
Featured in “Haiku Appreciation: Enjoying 1200 Haiku” (edited and written by Shizuo Miyasaka) 『俳句鑑賞1200句を楽しむ』(宮坂静生・編著)にて紹介される
Contributed an essay in English on Yasujiro Ozu and haiku to an online magazine in the UK 英国のオンラインマガジンに小津安二郎と俳句に関する英文エッセイを寄稿
Featured with three haikus in Kadokawa Haiku Yearbook 2023 『角川俳句年鑑2023』にて3句とともに紹介される
frozen ground —
as a whisper
history of Celtic civilization
anniversary of Sanki’s death —
strangers in front of, behind
or to the left and right
spring slumber
once in a while
a parallelogram
Contributed a short essay to Kohji Yasui Guidebook #2 『安井浩司読本2』に短文を寄稿
‘Tohta’s Global Strategy’ in Ani #65 『豈65号』に「兜太の世界戦略」を掲載
Served as a judge for Tokutomi Haiku Contest 2022 (California) 徳富俳句賞(カリフォルニア)の審査員を務める
An essay on English haiku in Haidan : August 2022 『俳壇2022年8月号』に「haikuから見る俳句」を寄稿
The long essay entitled ‘Japanese haiku from the viewpoint of English haiku — Beyond the argument of second-class art’ was published in this issue.
1 haikuとアートをめぐる冒険
2 第二芸術論が陳腐化した三つの可能性
3 伝統と前衛をめぐるねじれ
4 haikuにとっての精神と形式
5 ジャック・ケルアックの西洋流俳句
6 エズラ・パウンドが模索した切れ字
‘Japanese haiku from the viewpoint of English haiku — Beyond the argument of second-class art’
1 adventures across haiku and art
2 three possibilities that have made the second-class art theory obsolete
3 twist over tradition and avant-garde
4 spirit and form for haiku
5 Jack Kerouac’s Western Haiku
6 Ezra Pound’s exploration for kireji
Seven haikus in Kadokawa Haiku : July 2022 『角川俳句2022年7月号』に7句掲載
Seven recent haikus, entitled ‘Parallelogram’, are published in this issue.
slumber in spring
once in a while
16 haikus in Haiku Four Seasons : May 2022 『俳句四季2022年5月号』に16句掲載
Sixteen recent haikus, entitled ‘History of Celtic Civilization’, are published in this issue.
frozen ground —
as a whisper
history of Celtic civilization