Featured with three haikus in Kadokawa Haiku Yearbook 2023 『角川俳句年鑑2023』にて3句とともに紹介される 


 frozen ground —
 as a whisper
 history of Celtic civilization

 anniversary of Sanki’s death —
 strangers in front of, behind
 or to the left and right

 spring slumber 
 once in a while
 a parallelogram

An essay on English haiku in Haidan : August 2022 『俳壇2022年8月号』に「haikuから見る俳句」を寄稿

The long essay entitled ‘Japanese haiku from the viewpoint of English haiku — Beyond the argument of second-class art’ was published in this issue.


 1 haikuとアートをめぐる冒険
 2 第二芸術論が陳腐化した三つの可能性
 3 伝統と前衛をめぐるねじれ
 4 haikuにとっての精神と形式
 5 ジャック・ケルアックの西洋流俳句
 6 エズラ・パウンドが模索した切れ字

‘Japanese haiku from the viewpoint of English haiku — Beyond the argument of second-class art’

 1 adventures across haiku and art
 2 three possibilities that have made the second-class art theory obsolete
 3 twist over tradition and avant-garde
 4 spirit and form for haiku
 5 Jack Kerouac’s Western Haiku
 6 Ezra Pound’s exploration for kireji


Joined ‘The Art of Haiku’ in Montreal モントリオールの俳句イベントに参加

A library in Montreal has this haiku event ‘The Art of Haiku,’ and I was invited to show my haiku piece there. Twelve haiku poets join this event, and three of them are Japanese while the others are Canadians.



Featured with three haikus in Kadokawa Haiku Yearbook 2021 『角川俳句年鑑2021』にて3句とともに紹介される 


 cut into round slices
 a lemon and cloud
 the same brightness

 walking alone
 across November
 on the tightrope

 to apply
 winter lipstick
 as if to tame it